Top 6 Satellite Internet startups

July 24, 2024 | By Boris Maslennikov

Satellite internet startups are deploying constellations of small satellites in low Earth orbit, enabling high-speed, low-latency internet access in remote and underserved regions where traditional internet infrastructure is limited or unavailable.
Country: USA | Funding: $10B
SpaceX is an aviation and aerospace company that operates a network of sattelites and designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft.
Country: UK | Funding: $4.7B
OneWeb is building a space-based communications network that delivers high-speed, low-latency internet access.
Country: USA | Funding: $753.5M
Astranis is a space startup that builds small and low-cost telecommunications satellites to provide internet access in remote regions.
Country: USA | Funding: $252M
Globalstar is a satellite network operator that provides widely-used handheld satellite phone service, offering both voice and data services from virtually anywhere.
Country: Spain | Funding: €26.4M
Sateliot is a satellite telecom operator offering global continuous IoT connectivity under 5G protocol from a LEO satellite constellation
Country: Germany | Funding: €2.5M
UNIO is seamlessly bridging terrestrial and space networks for all mobility use cases and delivering reliable, always-on connectivity.
Editor: Boris Maslennikov
Boris Maslennikov is a senior editor for Space-Startups. He has spent more than a decade covering the global space industry as a business journalist. He earned a Ph.D. in planetary sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree with honors in geophysics and planetary science from the California Institute of Technology. In his free time, Boris enjoys studying history and mathematics, with a particular interest in the history of mathematics. You can contact Boris at borismaslenikov(at)space-startups(dot)com