3 books on Satellite Thermal Imagery [PDF]

August 06, 2024

Books on satellite thermal imagery are essential for startups aiming to capitalize on advanced technologies in remote sensing and temperature monitoring from space. These publications cover a spectrum of topics, including sensor technologies, data acquisition methods, and applications specific to thermal imaging from satellites. For Satellite Thermal Imagery startups, these books provide critical insights into the principles of thermal infrared radiation detection, atmospheric considerations, and the interpretation of temperature data. They often explore advanced techniques such as multispectral thermal imaging, allowing startups to understand the nuances of temperature differentiation across various surfaces.

1. Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing: Sensors, Methods, Applications
2013 by Claudia Kuenzer, Stefan Dech

This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the current state of thermal infrared remote sensing, a crucial aspect of earth observation systems that monitors temperature, a fundamental environmental variable. Renowned international experts contribute chapters covering existing thermal sensors and innovative plans for upcoming missions. The text delves into the underlying physics and image processing techniques essential for interpreting thermal data. In addition, groundbreaking chapters on applications present diverse case studies, enhancing our understanding of temperature dynamics on land and sea surfaces, urban heat island effects, forest fires, volcanic eruption precursors, underground coal fires, geothermal systems, soil moisture variability, and temperature-driven mineral discrimination. "Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing: Sensors, Methods, Applications" stands out for its expansive coverage, revealing potentials and providing in-depth insights. This indispensable volume is tailored for scientists, educators, and decision-makers keen on thermal infrared technology, methodologies, and applications.
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2. International Safeguards and Satellite Imagery: Key Features of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Computer-Based Analysis
2009 by Bhupendra Jasani, Irmgard Niemeyer, Sven Nussbaum, Bernd Richter, Gotthard Stein

As sensors aboard commercial observation satellites have significantly advanced, their information has not only become widely accessible but also valuable for verifying various arms control treaties, notably the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Satellites are now integral to the safeguards procedures outlined in the NPT, allowing monitoring of nuclear facilities and activities, including construction details, building shapes (including subterranean operations), plant expansions, and operational status changes. To maximize the effectiveness of satellite imagery, the book emphasizes the identification of discernible signatures associated with nuclear facilities that can aid in the interpretation and verification of activities. This work comprises studies on both visual and computer-based interpretation of remote sensing data specifically tailored for international safeguards applications.
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3. Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems
2007 by Kali Charan Sahu

Remote sensing technology in India emerged in the 1960s, with space technology development during the subsequent decades, utilizing satellites and sensors for communication, meteorology, and ground resource exploration. India, like some other developing nations, skipped intermediate technology stages and quickly entered the realm of high technology. The first satellite in the IRS series, IRS-1A, launched in March 1988, marked a significant milestone. India's space technology continued to make substantial strides with achievements such as Oceansat-1 for ocean resource monitoring, Resourcesat-1 for agricultural applications, and Cartosat-1 equipped with a high-resolution panchromatic camera for cartographic purposes. Over the past two decades, remote sensing technology and Geographic Information System (GIS) have been extensively employed in India for Earth resource inventorying, mapping, monitoring, and the mitigation of natural disasters. This book caters to the educational needs of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, providing comprehensive coverage of topics with tables and illustrations. It serves as an essential resource for students, researchers, and practical users of remote sensing and GIS technology.
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