3 books on Space Security [PDF]

September 16, 2024

Books on Space Security serve as invaluable resources for startups entering the burgeoning field of space security. These publications provide comprehensive insights into the complex and evolving landscape of space-related threats, international agreements, and regulatory frameworks. By delving into topics such as orbital debris management, cybersecurity for satellite systems, and the legal aspects of space activities, these books equip startups with the knowledge needed to navigate the challenges of ensuring the security and sustainability of space operations.

1. The United Nations and Space Security
2019 by Annette Froehlich, Vincent Seffinga

Offering an in-depth examination of the history and evolution of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) and the Conference on Disarmament (CD), "The United Nations and Space Security" delves into the coordination and cooperation between these crucial forums. The book not only scrutinizes the historical development but also contemplates the future challenges that these entities are poised to confront. Emphasizing the interconnected nature of space matters, the analysis recognizes the necessity of addressing the evolving landscape of space issues beyond a simple military-non-military dichotomy. It critically evaluates the current system and explores potential adaptations to effectively navigate the intricate realm of space affairs, ensuring a comprehensive understanding for meaningful discussions in this pivotal domain.
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2. The Politics of Space Security
2011 by James Moltz

Over the past five decades, the domain of space has witnessed intense international competition alongside unexpected military restraint. In the face of an escalating number of countries possessing the capability to jeopardize U.S. space assets, there has been a resurgence of debate among experts and officials regarding the most effective path to ensure space security. The discourse oscillates between advocating for space defenses to safeguard critical military and civilian satellites and asserting that space should be a "sanctuary" devoid of deployed weapons, especially given the escalating threat posed by orbital space debris. James Clay Moltz contextualizes this debate by elucidating the predominant trends in military space advancements since the era of Sputnik, unveiling their underlying causes, and projecting the factors likely to shape their future trajectory. This updated edition offers a thorough analysis of the space policy under the Obama administration and the emergence of new players, such as China, India, and Iran. Moltz concludes with a distinctive perspective on the shared risks faced by militaries in space and the imperative for all nations to commit to interdependent, environmentally conscious space security.
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3. Space Security and Global Cooperation
2009 by Ajey Lele, Gunjan Singh

Exploring the escalating global awareness and apprehension surrounding the militarization of space, "Space Security and Global Cooperation" presents a compilation of papers from the Space Security Conference. Encompassing a broad range of topics including space security, emerging technologies, regional viewpoints, space tourism, space law, and global cooperation, the collection draws on contributions from prominent scholars and distinguished experts worldwide. This compilation acknowledges recent developments and controversies within the realm, including the notable Chinese Anti-Satellite test in 2007, providing a comprehensive and informed perspective on the multifaceted challenges and discussions pertaining to space security on a global scale.
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