4 books on Space Science [PDF]

August 14, 2024

Books on space science are foundational for startups venturing into the realm of space research and exploration. These publications cover a diverse range of topics, including astrophysics, planetary science, cosmology, and astrobiology. For Space Science and Research startups, these books offer essential insights into the fundamental principles governing the universe, providing a solid foundation for designing and conducting space missions and experiments. They often explore cutting-edge discoveries, research methodologies, and theoretical frameworks, helping startups stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field.

1. Introduction to Space Science
2021 by Ji Wu

This book delves into the essential technological and managerial principles and cutting-edge inquiries within the realm of space science. Representing an emerging interdisciplinary field, space science utilizes spacecraft as its primary tools to explore diverse domains—from the Earth and solar-terrestrial space to the solar system and the vast universe. Addressing fundamental questions about the formation and evolution of celestial bodies, the origin and development of life, and material structures, this comprehensive guide introduces key scientific inquiries across various facets of space science while offering pertinent technological and managerial insights. It underscores the imperative of international collaboration and expounds on the strategic planning of space science in the context of China. Suitable for scientists, engineers, college students, and the general public involved in space science programs, this book serves as a valuable reference or textbook.
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2. The Impact of Space Science on Mankind
2012 by Tim Greve

Nobel Symposium No. 31, titled "The Impact of Space Science on Mankind," convened at Spatind, Norway, from September 7 to 12, 1975. A gathering of twenty-seven distinguished experts from the United States, the U.S.S.R., and Western Europe explored four main subjects during the Symposium. These topics included the Impact of Space Science, introduced by Professor Reimar Lust; the Impact of Space Communication, introduced by Dr. Joseph Charyk; the Impact of Earth Resources Exploration from Space, introduced by Dr. William Nordberg; and the Impact of Space Assisted Meteorology, introduced by Dr. Robert M. White. This volume comprises edited summaries of the papers presented and discussions held during the Symposium. Financial support for the event came from the Nobel Foundation through grants from the Tercentenary Foundation of the Bank of Sweden, and the organization was overseen by a special committee appointed by the Norwegian Nobel Institute, including Tim Greve, Finn Lied, and Erik Tandberg.
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3. Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science
2011 by Homer E. Newell

This captivating exploration of the American space science program is authored by a prominent NASA administrator. Spanning from laboratories to launch pads, and from international conference halls to lunar landscapes, the book traces technological progress, delves into the connection between space science and broader scientific endeavors, and contextualizes the space program within wider social, political, and economic dimensions. Homer E. Newell played a pivotal role in the establishment of NASA and served with the agency from its inception until 1973. In the early 1960s, he wielded significant influence or direct control over nearly all nonmilitary unmanned space missions in the free world. Newell's insider viewpoint provides captivating insights into the personalities, perspectives, and the steady evolution of ideas that defined the U.S. space program.
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4. Encyclopedia of Earth and Space Science
2010 by Timothy M. Kusky, Katherine E. Cullen

The Encyclopedia of Earth and Space Science, spanning two volumes, serves as an ideal companion to the subjects commonly taught in high school and college Earth science and astronomy courses. Aligned with the NSES Content Standards, this extensive reference focuses on the physical processes integral to the Earth and universe's formation and evolution. It elucidates various geological and astrophysical phenomena, offers historical perspectives, and provides insight into the scientific inquiry process by featuring biographical profiles of significant contributors to these sciences. The big bang theory is presented and evaluated in terms of its physical principles and fundamental laws, while the resulting structure of the universe, including galaxies, the solar system, planets, and Earth's features, is thoroughly explored. This resource features full-color photographs and illustrations, along with valuable elements like an index, appendixes, cross-references, and a chronology. Entries cover diverse topics such as Asthenosphere, Australian geology, Black smoker chimneys, Charles Darwin, El Niño and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Estuary, Galaxy clusters, George Gamow, Hipparchus, Japan, Madagascar, Mercury, Milankovitch cycles, Pangaea, Radio galaxies, Russian geology, and Tsunamis.
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