3 books on In-Space Refueling [PDF]

July 08, 2024

Books on in-space refueling are crucial references for startups entering the innovative field of space logistics and refueling technologies. These publications cover a wide spectrum of topics, including orbital mechanics, propellant transfer systems, spacecraft design, and mission planning specific to in-space refueling. For In-Space Refueling startups, these books provide essential insights into the technical intricacies, challenges, and opportunities associated with transferring propellants in the space environment. They often explore advanced techniques for refueling satellites, space probes, or other spacecraft, addressing issues such as fuel compatibility, transfer efficiency, and safety considerations.

1. Energy Resources for Human Settlement in the Solar System and Earth's Future in Space
2013 by William A. Ambrose, James F. Reilly II, Douglas C. Peters

The primary objective of this book is to establish a quantitative framework for contemplating the development of energy and minerals beyond Earth's atmosphere, essential for sustaining scientific missions, extraterrestrial stations, permanent colonies, and the expansion of Earth's economy into space resources. As we anticipate a future where not all resources for space activities can be imported from Earth, this book demonstrates the feasibility of creating an effective economy beyond Earth by harnessing the resources available in near-Earth space. It caters to professionals in organizations like AAPG, AIME, and others involved in energy and resource development, emphasizing the shared concerns of providing essential energy and minerals for a growing global population and improved living standards. Beyond our immediate audience, the book aims to reach every rational individual who recognizes the critical role of energy and minerals in supporting our advanced civilization and envisions space as the next frontier for abundant opportunities in expanding human civilization.
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2. Humans in Outer Space - Interdisciplinary Perspectives
2010 by Ulrike Landfester, Nina-Louisa Remuss, Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Jean-Claude Worms

Building on the initial comprehensive transdisciplinary dialogue presented in "Humans in Outer Space - Interdisciplinary Odysseys," the European Science Foundation (ESF), the European Space Agency (ESA), and the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) delve deeper into this exploration in their latest collaboration, "Humans in Outer Space - Interdisciplinary Perspectives." Beyond viewing humans merely as tools for exploration, the book explores the profound human desire for odysseys beyond Earth's atmosphere. It critically reflects on emerging issues regarding Europe's role in human exploration, offering insights into governance, space exploration management, space settlements, the evolving role of astronauts, and the potential encounter with extraterrestrial life. This volume provides a rich tapestry of interdisciplinary perspectives, contributing to the ongoing discourse on humanity's engagement with outer space.
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3. Orbital Refueling System (ORS)
1984 by National Aeronautics and Space Administration

ORS, or the Orbital Refueling System, serves as a fuel transfer and management experiment slated for Shuttle Mission 41G. This initiative aims to pave the way for the creation of a space tanker designed to replenish propellant and manage other liquid consumables for satellites in Earth orbit.
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