3 books on Moon Rovers [PDF]

August 03, 2024

Books on moon rovers are indispensable resources for startups delving into the innovative field of lunar exploration and rover development. These publications cover a spectrum of topics, including rover design, mobility systems, autonomy, and the unique challenges of lunar terrain. For Moon Rover startups, these books provide essential insights into the engineering principles, operational considerations, and technological advancements required to design and deploy effective rovers on the Moon. They often explore lessons learned from past lunar missions, addressing the complexities of navigating in a low-gravity environment and with limited communication resources.

1. Rovers
2014 by Ruth Owen

Delve into the captivating universe of rovers with this book, unraveling the mysteries of how these spacecraft safely land on and explore other planets. Readers will uncover the stories behind renowned Mars rovers such as Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity, gaining insights into the individuals who control these robotic explorers, the groundbreaking discoveries they've made, and a host of intriguing facts about these space vehicles. Complementing the narrative, fact boxes offer additional information, while visually striking photographs provide an up-close look at both the rovers and the planets they traverse, inviting readers to embark on an engaging exploration of these extraordinary machines.
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2. Lunar and Planetary Rovers: The Wheels of Apollo and the Quest for Mars
2007 by Anthony Young

Addressing a crucial gap in historical accounts, "Lunar and Planetary Rovers: The Wheels of Apollo and the Quest for Mars" offers a comprehensive narrative on the Lunar Roving Vehicle utilized during Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions, featuring a wealth of previously unpublished photographs. The book delves into the fascinating evolution of robotic rovers deployed on Mars, and concludes by outlining the innovative designs of rovers planned for NASA's ongoing New Vision for Exploration initiative. Drawing extensively from interviews conducted specifically for the book, it incorporates poignant quotes from astronauts who piloted the LRV on the Moon. Furthermore, the narrative incorporates fresh insights garnered from interviews with engineers and managers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, shedding light on the development and missions of the robotic rovers, including Sojourner, Spirit, and Opportunity.
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3. Return to the Moon: Exploration, Enterprise, and Energy in the Human Settlement of Space
2007 by Harrison Schmitt

In "Return to the Moon: Exploration, Enterprise, and Energy in the Human Settlement of Space," former NASA Astronaut Harrison Schmitt contends that the Moon should not be perceived merely as a "local" destination. Instead, he posits the Moon as a challenging goal that tests our ingenuity and resolve. Schmitt raises questions about the extent to which we are willing to invest in reclaiming our status as space explorers. The book advocates for proactive planning, emphasizing the establishment of human outposts on the Moon, not solely as a technological and exploratory endeavor, but as a pragmatic business proposition. Drawing from his own experience of walking on the Moon, Schmitt redirects the focus toward the lunar return as a strategic venture with implications for exploration, enterprise, and the utilization of space resources.
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