4 books on Space Mining [PDF]

September 16, 2024

Books on space mining are essential guides for startups venturing into the emerging and ambitious field of extraterrestrial resource extraction. These publications cover a wide range of topics, including celestial body geology, mining technologies, resource utilization, and the legal and ethical aspects of space mining. For Space Mining startups, these books provide crucial insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with extracting valuable materials from asteroids, the Moon, or other celestial bodies. They delve into the engineering principles of mining in microgravity environments, the development of robotic systems for resource extraction, and the potential applications of mined materials in space exploration and settlement.

1. Space Mining and Manufacturing: Off-World Resources and Revolutionary Engineering Techniques
2019 by Davide Sivolella

This book presents compelling evidence that harnessing the potential of space has the capacity to address numerous environmental and social challenges on Earth, including pollution, overcrowding, resource depletion, conflicts, economic inequality, social unrest, economic instability, and unemployment. It delves into the legal complexities that may arise with the implementation of new technologies, necessitating the creation of new laws and organizations to manage these changes. The proposal for a space economy is not relegated to science fiction but is well within the realm of current or developing technologies. The book outlines various technologies and integrates them into a cohesive and plausible roadmap that, if implemented, could guide humanity towards a more promising future.
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2. Space Resource Utilization: A View from an Emerging Space Faring Nation
2018 by Annette Froehlich

The book underscores the imperative for a regulatory framework concerning the utilization of space resources. In this exploration, various facets of the subject are delved into, considering the diverse phases of a space mission and the perspectives of the myriad actors and participants in the space domain. The book approaches the subject from multiple angles, initiating an examination of the prevailing national and international governance frameworks governing resource extraction and utilization in space. Subsequently, the perspectives of established and emerging spacefaring nations are scrutinized, particularly in the context of extraction and utilization, and in consideration of the 2015 United States Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act (CSLCA). The book also provides a concise analysis of the budgets allocated to space exploration.
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3. Space Mining and Its Regulation
2016 by Ram S. Jakhu, Joseph N. Pelton, Yaw Otu Mankata Nyampong

This book delves into the intricate technical hurdles associated with remote space mining, encompassing aspects such as robotics, remote power systems, space transport, IT, and communication systems. It also tackles the formidable regulatory challenges confronted by both states and non-state entities engaging in the daunting endeavor of extracting natural resources from the Moon and asteroids. With an increasing number of countries participating in space-related activities, surpassing the historical dominance of the United States and the USSR (now the Russian Federation), the regulatory landscape has become a pressing international political concern. The book explores how these regulatory efforts might be addressed through international treaties, standards, codes of conduct, or other mechanisms. Another noteworthy aspect is the emergence of the private sector of "space entrepreneurs" in recent years, challenging existing governance regimes and state-centric views of international law. By scrutinizing treaty provisions, national laws, and prevailing practices, the book assesses the adequacies and ambiguities surrounding the exploration and exploitation of space-based natural resources.
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4. Intergalactic Travel and Asteroid Mining
0 by Daniel Mikelsten

The practice of asteroid mining involves the extraction of raw materials from asteroids and other celestial bodies, including near-Earth objects. With the depletion of key elements crucial for modern industry and food production projected to occur on Earth within the next 50 to 60 years, there is growing interest in mining asteroids for resources such as platinum and cobalt. These valuable elements could be brought back to Earth for profit, utilized in the construction of solar-power satellites and space habitats, and processed from ice to refuel orbiting propellant depots. Looking beyond our Milky Way, the observable universe contains at least 2 trillion other galaxies. The feasibility of space colonization hinges on the cost-effectiveness of the necessary methods becoming accessible through accumulated funds and anticipated profits from commercial space utilization. Intergalactic travel, involving voyages lasting millions of years or potentially faster-than-light propulsion methods like the Alcubierre drive, is a concept under consideration. While there are currently no scientific reasons ruling out intergalactic travel in principle, speculative possibilities include transmitting human minds or artificial intelligence to other galaxies with the hope of activation by intelligent entities.
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