3 books on Deorbiting [PDF]

September 16, 2024

Books on deorbiting are essential resources for startups delving into the critical field of space debris removal and end-of-life satellite disposal. These publications cover a wide range of topics, including deorbiting strategies, propulsion systems, orbital mechanics, and regulatory frameworks specific to responsible space operations. For Deorbiting startups, these books offer crucial insights into the technical intricacies and challenges associated with safely and efficiently removing satellites from orbit at the end of their operational life. They often explore innovative technologies for deorbit maneuvers, such as propulsion systems and drag augmentation techniques.

1. Attitude Dynamics and Control of Space Debris During Ion Beam Transportation
2022 by Vladimir Aslanov, Alexander Ledkov

"Attitude Dynamics and Control of Space Debris During Ion Beam Transportation" offers a comprehensive overview of the forefront research on contactless ion beam transportation for space debris removal. This practical guide navigates through key topics including space debris attitude motion, the dynamics of rigid materials in a high-speed rarefied medium, gravity gradient torque, and more. Exploring various methods to control the spatial motion of space debris, such as engine thrust or adjustments to the ion beam axis direction, the book provides accessible mathematical models for analyzing system behaviors. It sheds light on the features, advantages, and disadvantages of contactless ion beam transportation for space debris and demonstrates the application of classical mechanics, nonlinear and chaotic dynamics, and stability theory methods. The inclusion of straightforward mathematical models enhances the reader's understanding of the studied mechanical system and the nature of the phenomenon under consideration.
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2. Nanosatellites: Space and Ground Technologies, Operations and Economics
2020 by Rogerio Atem de Carvalho, Jaime Estela, Martin Langer

"Nanosatellites: Space and Ground Technologies, Operations and Economics," authored by Rogerio Atem de Carvalho, Jaime Estela, and Martin Langer, provides an up-to-date exploration of nanosatellites, covering a range of topics from their history and technologies to ground operations and economic considerations. The book is divided into three sections, offering a comprehensive overview of this rapidly evolving field. The initial section delves into the history of nanosatellites, introducing their technologies, payloads, and deployment methods. The second section provides insights into the ground segment and operational aspects, while the third section focuses on the regulatory framework, policies, economics, and future trends. Key features include discussions on nanosatellite payloads, components design, cost considerations, and an examination of the latest policies and regulations governing these small satellites. As a valuable reference, this book is tailored for researchers and practitioners engaged in nanosatellite activities within the aerospace industry.
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3. Dynamics and Design of Space Nets for Orbital Capture
2017 by Leping Yang, Qingbin Zhang, Ming Zhen, Haitao Liu

This book delves into the theoretical principles, dynamics models, algorithms, mission analysis, system design, and experimental studies of space nets systems. Its goal is to establish an initial framework in this emerging field and serve as a valuable reference for interested individuals. The space nets system stands at the forefront of aerospace technology development, posing unique challenges such as nonlinear and distorted net structures, complex dynamics involving rigid-flexible coupling, orbital transfer of space flexible composites, and intricate dynamics control. Given the absence of comprehensive literature on space nets dynamics and design, this book fills a crucial gap, offering readers insights into the working mechanisms, dynamic elements, and mission design of space nets systems from a Chinese perspective.
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